4 Tips For Wearing Chemo Cold Caps

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The Right Fit: The Basics Of Choosing Jeans When I was young, jeans were a basic, simple clothing item. Over the years, they have evolved into something far more complex. There are so many different cuts, styles, and designs now that the clothing combinations are amazing. I've spent many years researching the changes in popular jeans styles and trying to determine which cuts were best for my body. I took everything I learned and decided to build this blog. If you've always struggled to understand the different types of jeans on the market or to choose the right cut for your body shape, I hope the information here helps solve the mystery.




Being diagnosed with cancer can be an emotional time. This can be shocking news to hear, and you may be concerned about losing your hair during treatment. However, by wearing a chemo cold cap, it's possible that the hair loss won't be nearly as severe. This is a unique cap that you'll wear that should preserve your hair. Knowing tips on how to use it may be helpful for you.

1. Get the right fit

You'll feel much more comfortable, and the cap may be more useful for you when you have a tight fit when wearing it. This will enable you to have much better results and a lesser possibility of hair loss.

When placing the cap on your head, you'll want to be sure every angle of it is in place and fit securely on your head.

2. Listen to music

Putting the cap on initially may be uncomfortable for many patients. One way to get through this with great ease is by having some headphones with music you can enjoy.

Doing this may put you in a happier place and ease any of the discomforts when wearing the cap.

3. Try to be comfortable

There are varying methods that many have used to make this time as pleasant as possible. Some of these include drinking herbal tea while getting treatment to stay more relaxed.

You may also want to wear a warm blanket or possibly even take a heating pad with you in order to keep your body temperature in the right range. Both of these ideas are fabulous, and many allow you to feel much less frigid during your chemotherapy.

4.  Apply conditioner

Taking the right items with you to your chemotherapy to use with the cold cap is ideal. For instance, having a water bottle that sprays can allow you to wet your hair.

Once you have your hair wet, you can use a moisturizing conditioner that may be extremely helpful in keeping your hair moist and help you avoid drying it out under the cap.

Using this device may be extremely helpful in maintaining your hair through chemotherapy. One of the hardest parts about having cancer for many people is the total loss of hair. However, you can avoid this happening to you when you choose the right methods to use during your chemo. Find a company that offers chemo cold caps in order to learn more.

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